Portfolio Manager

Dexter Lyons

Quick Facts

B.S. Business Administration, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Portfolio manager with Horizon Capital Management since 1990

  • 1990 – 2004: Managed SMA’s
  • 2004 – 2014: Managed HCM’s Freedom Fund
  • 2014 – present: Managing the Issachar Fund

Dexter lives in Lafayette, LA with his wife of 30+years and his 4 children. He thoroughly enjoys spending time with family and friends boating, fishing and hunting at their camp. He also enjoys serving in Men’s Ministry at Our Savior’s Church in Lafayette, LA pastored by Pastor Jacob Aranza.

Personal Note from Dexter Lyons

I’m Dexter P. Lyons, a Christian money manager seeking to honor God as the Portfolio Manager of the Issachar Fund. I believe that God has gifted me with a passion and a purpose as I daily seek to fulfill my destiny. My obedience and love for Jesus drives me to honor Him by striving to be a good steward of all relationships and money that He has entrusted to me.

While working as a diesel mechanic in the late 80’s, I lost over half of my savings during a two week period to a stock broker with an apparent conflict of interest. It was at that moment I decided that I would make every attempt to avoid this happening to me again. I studied the stock market and technology extensively in college and tried to figure out how I lost so much money in such a short period of time. My thinking at the time was, if I lost it, then that meant someone found it. That really intrigued me.

I studied the financial markets and began creating investment strategies that seek to provide capital gains with limited risk exposure. It has taken me almost three decades of gains and losses to come to the conclusion that there are times to be invested and there are times to certainly not be invested. My job as the portfolio manager is to seek the Lord’s wisdom and understanding to maintain daily risk-management disciplines.

I have used sophisticated models and systems through-the-years and have come to one basic conclusion. Computer models and systems work until they don’t, and no one rings a bell to tell you when the model quits working. Nothing can replace the grace, wisdom and common sense that God freely gives us. I want to share my 33 plus years of hard work and lessons learned with the shareholders of the Issachar Fund.

Managing money is a full-time job and I have learned the hard way that I cannot control the “return” but I can attempt to manage the “risk” I take while investing. I do not subscribe to the buy and hold philosophy because I believe there is just too much potential risk in the market to stick my head in the sand and say what most people say: “I am in it for the long run and it always comes back”.

I am now over 60 years old. If you’re like me, you have built some wealth and now you want to make your money work for you instead of the other way around. It’s important at this stage to protect your assets by mitigating the risk of life-altering losses, yet prudently growing assets at the right time. As a Portfolio Manager, I try to focus on getting base hits when market opportunities present themselves, instead of swinging for the fences at the risk of striking out. I limit those potential losses by managing risk and seek to identify opportunities that will grow assets conservatively over time.

I welcome you to invest with me in the Issachar Fund and look forward to serving you as a trusted portfolio manager as you work towards your financial goals.

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